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Dr. Robert C. Gallo

更新时间:2018/4/14 9:43:50
      罗伯特·盖洛博士自1996年以来一直任美国马里兰大学医学院人类病毒学研究所所长和医学教授。他也是美国Homer & Martha Gudelsky杰出医学教授及全球病毒网络(GVN)的联合创始人和科学总监。此前(30年),他曾在马里兰州贝塞斯达的美国国家癌症研究所(NCI)工作。在此工作期间,他和同事们于1976年发现了白介素-2(Il-2)。Il-2是最早的细胞因子之一(一种“信使”分子,允许细胞相互交流并改变彼此的功能),被证实是一种不仅能调控免疫系统还能发现所有人类逆转录病毒的重要工具。盖洛和他的同事们随后开创并引领了人类逆转录病毒的研究领域,分离出人类逆转录病毒(HTLV-1),与日本研究人员一起发现了这是一种特殊形式的人类白血病病因。一年后,他和他的团队又分离出第二种人们已知的人类逆转录病毒(HTLV-2)。盖洛博士和他的同事们还独立发现了艾滋病病毒,并证实了HIV病毒就是导致艾滋病的病因。他们还开发了拯救生命的艾滋病毒血液检测。1986年,他和同事们发现了人类疱疹病毒6(HHV-6),这是25年多来发现的首个新的疱疹病毒,也是玫瑰疹的病因。1995年,他和同事们首次发现了HIV病毒的内源性抑制剂,即一些beta趋化因子。该发现有助于之后发现艾滋病毒联合受体CCR5,并为治疗艾滋病病毒开创了全新的方法。
      Since 1996, Dr. Robert C.Gallo has been Director of the Institute of Human Virology and Professor ofMedicine at the University of Maryland School of Medicine. He is also the Homer
& Martha Gudelsky Distinguished Professor in Medicine and Co-Founder and Scientific
Director of the Global Virus Network (GVN). Previously (for 30 years) he was at the National Cancer Institute (NCI) in Bethesda, MD. While at NCI, he and his co-workers discovered interleukin-2 (Il-2) in 1976. Il-2 was one of the first cytokines (“messenger” molecules that allow cells to communicate and alter one another’s function) and proved to be a major tool not only for immunology but also for the discovery of all human retroviruses. Gallo and his colleagues then opened and pioneered the field of human retrovirology with the discovery of the first human retrovirus (HTLV-1) and along with Japanese investigators showed it
was a cause of a particular form of human leukemia. A year later he and his group discovered the second known human retrovirus (HTLV-2). Dr. Gallo and his colleagues also independently discovered HIV, and provided the first results to show that HIV was the cause of AIDS. They also developed the life-saving HIV blood test. In 1986 he and his co-workers discovered human herpes virus-6 (HHV-6), the first new herpes virus found in more than 25 years and the cause
of Roseola. In 1995 he and his colleagues discovered the first endogenous inhibitors of HIV, namely some of the beta chemokines. This discovery helped in the later discovery of the HIV co-receptor, CCR5, and opened up entire new approaches to treatment of HIV disease.
Dr. Gallo has been awarded 35 honorary doctorates, is a member of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences and Institute of Medicine, and is a member of the National Inventors Hall of Fame. He is also the recipient of numerous scientific honors and awards, most notably twice
receiving the Lasker Award (1982, 1986). He has also received the Gairdner Foundation International Award (1987), the Japan Prize in the field of Science and Technology (1988), the Paul Ehrlich and Ludwig Darmstaedter Prize (1999), the Principe de Asturias Award (2000), and the Dan David Prize (2009). Dr. Gallo was the most cited scientist in the world 1980-1990, according to the Institute for Scientific Information, and he was ranked third in the world for
scientific impact for the period 1983-2002. He has published close to 1,300 papers.
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